
Posts Tagged ‘Mayan’


I went to a place called Serpent Mound in Adams County, Ohio.  This trip was at the end of October.

I was invited to drive with a friend and be a part of a gathering of sorts.
The gathering was to help bring in the end of the Mayan Calendar and to help activate the Earths energy grid and power centers. 
These changes are being ushered in by the crystal skulls throughout the world and Mayan priests were doing a ceremony that day and brought their own ancient skull.

The Mitchell-Hedges skull was found in a Mayan ruin. It seems proper that skulls are a part of 2012.
Here is a link to an interesting reconstruction of what the face of the skull would look like.

Here is some information regarding the Mitchell-Hedges skull.

There were speakers earlier in the day and one was a scientist who has written books regarding the mound. The other was a shaman and he spoke about the importance of this changing time and the role he feels the skulls are playing.  I found both speakers to be fascinating and the info. they provided helped to shed light on these mysterious topics.

A bit later there was a ceremony.
The elder Mayan Priest led the ceremony.
We all followed in a slow procession around the entire serpent mound. The skulls were held by their caretakers and they followed with the Mayan group leading the procession.
I sadly did not get to see the Mayan skull myself due to the crowds but, was able to not only see but, connect with the other two very  impressive skulls.

As a psi vampire I tend to connect with the energy of things and base my feelings on what I percieve in an energetic sense. Here is my experience with one of the main skulls.

I am going to jump ahead to the next gathering following the walk around the mound. *no pun intended…ahead….Grins*

At one point two of the skulls were set on cloths on the grass covered ground …not very far from the mound.
There the crowd gathered and the drumming began. The drumming was accompanied by a single file line of people dancing around them. It reminded me of the opening ceremony of Native American pow wows .
There was a slow steady drumming that accompanied the procession.  As people moved in a single file ..they would weave in and around the skulls on the ground.  I could feel the energetic charge in the air. Almost a humming or low vibration.
I was standing along the outer edge of this area. Watching the people dancing and paying homage to the skulls as they slowly moved past.

Once the ceremonial procession was completed…the slow drumming continued and people were able to gather around the two skulls and physically connect and pay their respects . I watched all of this,waiting for the right time to approach the one nearest to me. I was not even sure if I would get the chance. I would catch glimpses of this fairly clear and impressive piece of crystal as people would move away and others would take their place.

I decided to reach out with my energy to this one….wanting to connect and get a feel for the type of energy it may give off.  As soon as I sent my senses out …I felt it’s energy reach out to mine . It was as though it recognized my attempt at making contact and met me halfway and in a way that seemed quite sentient and as curious about me as I was of it. *grins*  I sent out my respect and love and opened my heart to this benevolent being.  curious as to what I may find.

On a side note.
I was not completely surprised by this due to my encounter with the Mitchell-Hedges skull back in the early 90s. I was able to stand within arms length of this beautiful and mysterious piece of history. I had a strong sense of an actual sentient being when I looked into the empty eye sockets. Just like then…this skull also, felt like it was looking back. That it carried thoughts and emotions and was very much aware. Not just an inanimate object.

Back to my attempt at getting close to this amazing skull.

I Hung back about twenty feet and felt as though the skull would arrange the meeting in some way. I’m not sure why I thought that and figured I would trust my instincts.
The throng of people did not let up but, It was wonderful to see such love and respect for these sacred objects. 

I continued to observe and then I felt a distinct shift of energy emanating from the skull near me. It was then..that I knew I was being invited to come closer.  I began to slowly walk towards it. As I did…I had this strange sensation of being almost exclusively aware of the skull and nothing else, feeling very drawn towards it. As I move closer…I notice the ring of people  begin to stand and walk off or back away. The skull is left completely alone. I am amazed at this clearing being created just as I walk up. I am able to crouch down directly next to this skull and with what feels like permission to touch it….I reach down and gently hold my hand a few inches above then I slowly lower my hand down and touch the top of it. 

I was not sure what to expect. As I touched it…I wish I could say there was an electrical arc or some other amazing reaction but, it was nothing like that. What I felt was still very poweful but, at a very subtle and not very dramatic level. I honestly cant explain what I felt. It was a multilayered experience.
I could feel changes in my energy and could sense what seemed like an exchange and a sort of deep communication. I then felt what can only be described as a happy and peaceful feeling from the skull…..as though it was happy with the exchange. This feeling lasted only a few minutes. Which is great since I cannot crouch for very long..knees groan and whine about crouching.*grins*
I stood up ….and before I could barely take a step back…the next phase of people began to move back in. 
I returned to my earlier place at the outer edge of the gathering. I truly could not believe that I was given the chance to connect without having to compete with the other people. I felt truly honored and gave thanks  for our communication and the personal invite.
I have no clue as to why it worked out the way it did but, I am very glad it did. I feel like I was somehow changed at a very deep yet still unknown level.

The other skull, being a large one like the first …did not have the same reaction. I felt we connected but, nothing like the first one.

I am not sure what their roles are on this planet or with what I feel are the coming changes for man. I just know that they are here to help us in ways we may never fully understand.

I truly believe that this upcoming time for all who call Earth and beyond..is going to bring big changes. That somehow everything we know and think we understand will evolve and change and new knowledge and philosophies will begin to take root.  Everything changes and evolves ,nothing stays the same.
I am excited and curious about what the future holds.
The next phase of discovery and enlightenment is coming. I look forward to being a part of it. Even if I am not sure exactly how or when that may come about. *smiles*

Sweet dreams,

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